October 10, 1998
Indonesia (AP) -- A teen-age activist who was counseling women raped during Indonesia's
riots in May was found stabbed to death in her home, police said today. The body of
18-year-old Martadinata Haryono, a high school senior, was found in her bedroom Friday
night by her father. She had stab wounds and a slashed neck.
Several activists helping the victims or investigating the cases have complained that they
have received death threats. But Maj. Gen. Pol Noegroho Djajoesman, the chief of Jakarta
police, was quoted by the official Antara news agency as saying that police have no
evidence that the slaying was connected to her work.
Police said Haryono was the first volunteer to be killed and that her home in downtown
Jakarta was not robbed. It was not known if she had received threats. Antara quoted the
doctor who conducted the autopsy as saying that preliminary examinations showed signs of a
sexual assault.
`There were 10 wounds on her body and her head was almost cut off at the throat,'' Dr.
Mun'im Idris was quoted as saying. Police refused to comment on the report.
Haryono and her mother, Wiwin, worked for Volunteers for Humanity, one of several groups
counseling ethnic Chinese victims of the unrest. Colleagues said Haryono, who also was
ethnic Chinese, was planning to travel to the United States with her mother and some
victims prepared to testify about the rapes to a human rights group.
"This was so unfair. We just hope she wasn't killed because she and her mother were
helping rape victims,'' said Ester Indahyani Jusuf Lubis, leader of Serambi Nusa Bangsa, a
group formed in June to fight racial discrimination in Indonesia.
"People will now be afraid to tell anyone what happened during the riots. This is
terrorizing for Indonesia's ethnic Chinese,'' she said.Human rights groups say at least
168 women, mostly ethnic Chinese, were raped during the unrest, which left 1,200 people
dead and led to the resignation of President Suharto.
Volunteers for Humanity was one of the first groups to report that ethnic Chinese women
and girls had been gang-raped during the riots. Dozens of people paid their condolences at
Haryono's home today. Haryono's casket sat in one room adorned with flowers, her
photograph and a crucifix. Her parents were consoled by friends in an adjoining room.
Indonesia's ethnic Chinese minority was targeted during the riots by mobs who resent the
group's relative wealth during the country's crippling economic crisis. They are the
country's most powerful economic group, controlling about 70 percent of its private wealth
and banking sectors.
Indonesia's government set up an independent inquiry into the reported sexual assaults. It
confirmed that rapes had taken place during the riots,
but it has yet to determine how many. The military and police have repeatedly said they
have no hard evidence that sexual assault was widespread.
"Whatever motivated the killing, we see it as a form of terror against women
activists,'' said Nursyahbani Katjasungkana, director of the Indonesian
Women's Association for Justice. ``The armed forces and police must do more to guarantee
our safety.''
The news item below is forwarded from Palaris-L to which it was crossposted from
development-gender@mailbase.ac.uk on Thursday.
Vincent K Pollard, PhD
E-mail: pollard@hawaii.edu * Fax: + 808 956-6877
Visiting Fellow -- East-West Center (Education & Training)
Lecturer (Political Science) * University of Hawai'i - Manoa & West O'ahu
The following is a very brief and factual account of an appalling murder of an Indonesian
feminist activist. It is important, not only because it was (and is) so horrible, but
because of the way these methods of intimidation and terror, which were so common under
Suharto are carrying right on. It is also important to all women because of the way Tim
Relawan and other groups have confronted the existence of the rapes during the May riots,
and have tried to provide support to the victims since then. This is a cause we all share,
and by publicising this affair and bringing pressure on governments and decision makers,
we can help our Indonesian sisters.
Marthadinata was 18 years old. She was a straight A student at her Catholic high school in
Jakarta. A member of the ethnic Chinese community, she and her mother, Wiwin, had been
active volunteers with the Tim Relawan Korban Kerusuhan Mei 1998 - a volunteer group led
by a Catholic priest, Romo Sandyawan, which was set up after the Jakarta riots in May to
give support to the victims of the gang rapes of Indonesian Chinese women that took place
during the riots. As soon as this, and other groups, began to publicise the rapes they
were subject to continuous threats - by phone, by mail, with photos of brutally raped and
murdered women, and by groups of men lurking outside their homes, that if they did not
stop their work, they too would be raped and murdered.
Marthadinata and her mother were due to go the United States to testify about the rapes in
the next few weeks. Last Thursday, 9th October, Marthadinata stayed home from school with
a slight cold. Later that afternoon, her father, Leo, found the door to the house open and
Marthdinata's body on the second floor. She had been sexually assaulted and brutally
murdered, with such violence that her head was nearly severed from her body. (Kompas, 10th
Since then, the police have refused to see the murder as anything other than a 'pure
crime'. They claimed that their autopsy proved that she was a heroin addict, who had
turned to prostitution to support her habit. They have since arrested a young neighbour
and aquaintance, Suryada, for the crime. While nothing was taken from the house, Suryada
has apparently 'confessed' that he was in the midst of an attempted burglary, and when he
was suprised by Marthadinata he, he killed her. (Kompas, 12th October)
Nothing in the police account fits any known 'profile' of such killers. But it does fit
both the pattern of the rapes that occurred during the May riots, and which are
continuing, and is consistent with the threats received by members of the voluntary
support groups. Karlina Leksona, (editor of Jurnal Perempuan, leader of Suara Ibu Peduli
and other women's support groups, including Tim Relawan), and many other leaders point to
the continuity of the use of covert state violence to repress any criticism of the state,
which was such a feature of the Suharto regime.
Please use the above information in any way that seems useful to you. We are aiming to
raise public awareness about this issue as widely as possible, and to bring pressure to
bear on your own government to raise the case at whatever level they can, including
directly with the Indonesian government.
Useful fax numbers are:
Indonesian ministers:
Tuty Awiyah, State Minister for Women's Affairs, fax 6221- 380-5562
Dr. H. Muladi, Minister for Justice, fax 6221-525-3095
B.J. Habibie, President of Indonesia, e-mail habibie@ristek.go.id
Copies of your messages should also be sent to:
Marzuki Darusman and Miriam Budiardjo, Deputy Directors, Indonesian National Human Rights
Commission (KOMNAS-HAM) fax, 62-21-5207948 Saparinah Sadli, Chair, National Commission on
Violence Against Women, fax 62-21-3907-407
I would also appreciate it if you could send an e-mail copy to mporter@morgan.ucs.mun.ca
Many, many thanks for all your support.
Fenella Porter k.porter@ukonline.co.uk
Sally Theobald
Network Manager
School of Development Studies
University of East Anglia
Norwich NR4 7TJ
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1603-593006
E-mail: development-gender@mailbase.ac.uk
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