Another information I have heard that the Ethnic Chinese people are are now buying  guns to protect themselves (from the mobs). You can buy them in Jakarta city and the  seller are of course from the "people" who have the access to those to kind of weapons   They have also big guns  and they are marked up but a piece costs only 1.5 to 2.5  million Rupiah. The bigger ones like machine guns go for like 17 juta (17 million IDR = )  They also come with real bullets and not rubber!. Of course this is for self defense but  this is going to escalate if we have more of this riots in this city. But the fact is that  people are buying guns is to self protect as they cannot believe in  the police or army  force. Now, people who had bad experience during the 14th and 15th May, 1998  have to do this, no choice. Now we cannot believe in the Government but have to  watch our own backs. Even foreign expatriates are said to be buying this. Holy shi-!  This is true. 

(The following is an actual E-mail. Names are ommited for confidentiality) 
        Re:     Guns 'n roses 
        Date:  Tue., 23 Jun 1998 12:33:22 +0700 
        From:  You know where 
        To:      Oh do I ? 
 References: 1 , 2 , 3 
> hello there 
hello again... 
> thanks for the reply is it so .. people are really buying them ... 
> is this thing legal ??  Does it come with a license ??? 

Well...if it comes with license, it won't be that cheap....tell you the know...  that's why I don't feel it's nice to carry it all the way...I get nervous..I'm trying to get rid  of it...and just pray that I do not use it!  Holding this thing..makes me feel like a "..Bond  Girl.."...but not...^^ 

> If you have one that's okay. And if you happen to shoot a person then you can  say  > that  this is in self defense. If it is illegal possession, then you may be in jail even  if it  > is used  in self defense...getting dangerous I guess. I will send you some info again.  > Also another  rumor. That the Independence Day (Aug. 17, 98), there will be a war.  > ...gile !! What do you  think ??? 

Well...I believe some thing might happen during the independence fact...every  day is possible to let "things" happen..Hope I won't get nuts soon...It's so depressing..  you see.. specially girls and mothers... 

> Maybe this is too much. Every weekend people say it is dangerous to go out as  > things can happen. Every week you will not be able to go out if you blv every single 

> one of  them.! 

Yeah...but if you want to go to cafe once in a while, just hang around the Thamrin and  Sudirman area...then it is safe...I did it once during the week end night...but I guess..  better stay at home, HP rings all the time from home every hour just to make sure you  are Ok with your know... 

I have an Indonesian Friend....journalist...and activist as well. (thank god he was not  being kidnapped )...he says...after the 'Golkar' meeting, cutting Harmoko...there'll be to say..." situation will getting hot again...." and 27 you know... 27th  of July 1996...PDI Megawati was attacked by the Soeharto's... many people died  including the megawati's chef...(I think you are aware more than me of this, I was still  in Shanghai that moment ) So, this carefull as well...( absolutely no birthday  party for me on that day...sad) 

And August to September is really really dangerous. He doesn't want to tell me more,  but when I asked him, should I leave the country then..? he smiled and said..."If you  can, I guess you better leave for couple of months..."Jesus...ok...enough..don't wanna  think those ... take care 

I have a friend that told me that the people who are selling the guns are from the high  ranking officials of the army and police force. Because the place in where they sell the  weapons are inside a very expensive housing complex in Jakarta. Machine guns are  for sale too and you can choose many types. They ado not come with a license so they  are illegal. If  the seller is doing to provoke more disturbance when the next riots occur,  then this may be one of the conspiracy plan to topple the government  by using other  people. Government plans another riot in town, they attack the Chinese Indonesians,  they have the guns to retaliate, riots get bigger as more people are dead, army use force  too, the blame is on the Government and the President. The seller of the guns makes  money and at the same time cooperate with the "Men in Black" to topple the Gov..  Just a wild guess from the movies but it may be true. But it fits in nice and doesn't it ? 

Another funny thing is that there is a catalogue for these guns. And believe it or not,  they are smuggled from Germany. You pay cash on delivery and Uzis are for sale too.  I have to get one for sample and see for myself as you know, there are too many  rumors... By the way, is it only me that thinks this is somewhat fishy?? Habibie used  to work in a German company and they produced one of the finest weapons. I smell  something "political and conspiracy" with my little nose....